
Prayer Requests

Dear friends,
This has definitely been a long road. I am continuing the job hunting process and it is still discouraging. Anyway, if I don't have a job by October 15th, I will pack-up again and relocate to South Carolina - at least for a while. Now, I am not thrilled about this prospect, but it is not as awful as I once thought.
So, I am asking that you join me in prayer. I love NY, especially Brooklyn, and am not ready to leave. However personal responsibility and caring for myself requires that I make a decision soon. Here are those requests...

1. Ask that I would have a job by October 15th that will allow me to live in NY.
2. Pray for my heart preparation if I am to move to South Carolina.
3. Ask that somehow I would trust God no mater what happens situationally.
4. Pray that i would soak up all of New York that I can while I am here.
5. I am still very interested in social justice so, please pray that I would be able to make contacts and get some creative ideas about implementation.

The lessons I have learned here about who I am as an African American have been invaluable, already. I feel very attached to that part of me. Also, I see that I am more comfortable in my own skin and that I can hold on to me even when most people around me live by a completely different set of values. I will take these things along with me on the journey.


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